Rejoice! Rejoice! Rejoice, rejoice and sing!
Why do my spirits soar?
It could be caffeine, but I think it’s more
God, you carry my burdens
You are the lifter of my head
Your Word gives life
You are the firstborn from the dead
Knowing you the way I do
It’s no wonder that my spirits soar
Knowing you the way I do
I can rejoice once more
Rejoice! Rejoice! Rejoice, rejoice and sing!
This blog is about God’s faithfulness and my frailty. I write about my personal faith in Jesus, family life with ADHD and autism, grace-infused parenting, mental health and my heart transplant journey. Learn along with me how to treat ourselves gently and extend that same grace to others – especially our husbands and children.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Rejoice - a psalm I wrote
I'm taking a risk to share something I wrote:
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:) Thank you for your insights here. There is much to rejoice about our Lord. When I hung my head in shame He came and told me of His love and forgiveness: He's the glory and the lifter of my head. Rejoicing today with you!