Saturday, April 10, 2010


The Holy Spirit has been gently convicting me of a course correction I need to make.

The past few days I have been obsessively researching healthy living, holistic cures, diet plans, recommended supplements, etc. Yesterday I got so overwhelmed by all that I "should" be doing for myself and Pookaloo that I was on the verge of tears.

Then a gentle nudge. I read a message board post from a fellow mama about being healthy consuming her every thought. Some kind women graciously pointed in the direction of these two links:

Can Natural Living Become an Idol?

Health Food Junkie

What timely words for me.

Ever since I started on this journey to try to figure out Pookaloo's eczema, there has been a still small voice of warning that perhaps I could take it or was taking it too far. Upon reflection, I think I'm particularly vulnerable to going too far with this right now because it is one area I feel like I *can* control when so much of our life is truly out of my control at them moment (DH out of work -- only God knows when he will find work, our place up for sale -- only God knows if we will find a buyer and if the bank will accept the short sale, etc.).

So what now?


Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit and we are to be good stewards of our resources. I will not give up on making healthful choices when we can.

At the same time, I will consciously submit this area to God. When I catch myself obsessing or tempted to research one more thing, I will choose to stop and capture those thoughts to Christ. By God's grace I will redirect fretting to worship, and focus on the Creator rather than creation.

God is my Jehovah Jireh (God who provides) and Jehovah Rapha (God who heals). Ultimately it is he who blesses us with health. As it says in Psalm 23, He leads us to good pastures and still waters. I believe that is true spritually, but also physically. He is the giver of all good gifts!

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