I didn't ... so I'm making one!
Each of the following books has been useful in my parenting journey (sorted aby author):
- The Your X Year Old series (Ames and Ilg)
- Easy to Love, Difficult to Discipline (Becky Bailey)
- Touchpoints (T. Berry Brazelton)
- Mothering Your Nursing Toddler (Norma Jane Bumgarner)
- The Mission of Motherhood (Sally Clarkson)
- How to Parent (Fitzhugh Dodson)
- How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk (Faber and Mazlish)
- Siblings Without Rivalry (Faber and Mazlish)
- Raising Your Spirited Child (Mary Sheedy Kurcinka)
- Positive Discipline (Jane Nelsen)
- The Fussy Baby Book (Dr. Sears)
- The Discipline Book (Dr. Sears)
- Families Where Grace is in Place (Jeff VanVonderen)
Great list; thanks!