Monday, October 7, 2019

Spiritual Storm

I help out sometimes in 5th/6th grade Sunday school, and yesterday the kids read about Jesus calming a storm.

I have a storm inside me today. "Never be enough" echoes through my brain like lightning strikes and howling wind.

Last night at a marriage seminar, the imagery of The Armor of God was referenced.
To mix scriptural metaphors, it's like this morning I was on the deck of a ship tossed in a tempest, decked out in full armor, fighting hard.

Fighting against the temptation to despair at what I lack by embracing gratitude for what God has given.

Fighting against performance anxiety by receiving grace through Jesus Christ.

Fighting against the fretfulness of my mind with the peace of the Spirit in my soul.

In the midst of crashing waves of "Never be enough," I hear a whisper.

"Be still."

You know, I never will be enough. Nothing I ever do will be enough.

But Jesus is always enough, and he did everything required for my salvation.

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